Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT. PELNI
Posted by Unknown
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Along with the passage of time and development effort, In addition to continuing to improve services and productivity to employees, management realized that human resources are the greatest asset and also one of the main keys to maintaining the company's position as a strong market and be reckoned with in the globalization era .
Accordingly, PT. PELNI (BUMN) looking for the best employee candidates at the position:
- Deck Officer
- Engineering Officer
- Male
- Maximum 29 years old (per December 2012)
- Complete Certificate of Competencies
- Having a Copy of Family Card and Identity Card
- Having a valid Certificate of Good Behavior from Police
- Having a Drug-free Certificate from doctor/ government’s hospital
- Having a Certificate of Regulated Health from doctor/ government’s hospital
- The selection process consists of written test, medical tests, and the interview
- Applicants who pass the selection will be appointed as a permanent employee after passing probation.
JL. Gajah Mada No. 14
Jakarta Pusat
More details calls :
Email: pelni¬_sdm@yahoo.com
Telp : 021-6300650 / 085219040405
More info : Lowongan BUMN PT. PELNI
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