Bank Permata - Lowongan Kerja GMAP
Posted by Unknown
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

PT. Permata Bank strongly believes that human resources are fundamental factors that will determine the success of the trip this bank, Bank Permata therefore invite you all, talented individuals to join and grow together with career development, to achieve the desired objectives.
GMAP (Graduate Management Acceleration Program) is a generalist training program that equips you with the knowledge about the basics of financial markets and products, and provides exposure PermataBanks lines of business and functions through a structured on-the-job training opportunities. This is an opportunity for prospective young bankers to get all around development. A solid foundation for your career !
Trainees Requirements GMAP :
- Bachelor or master graduates
- Maximum 2 years working experience
- Active in organization an have leadership experience
- Max. Age : 27 years old
- Min. GPA : 3,00 (out of 4)
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