Lowongan Kerja Astra Honda Motor
Posted by Unknown
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Seiring dengan perkembangan kondisi ekonomi serta tumbuhnya pasar sepeda motor terjadi perubahan komposisi kepemilikan saham di pabrikan sepeda motor Honda ini. Pada tahun 2000 PT Federal Motor dan beberapa anak perusahaan di merger menjadi satu dengan nama PT Astra Honda Motor, yang komposisi kepemilikan sahamnya menjadi 50% milik PT Astra International Tbk dan 50% milik Honda Motor Co. Japan.
Saat ini PT Astra Honda Motor memiliki 3 pabrik perakitan, pertama berlokasi Sunter, Jakarta Utara yang juga berfungsi sebagai kantor pusat. Pabrik ke dua lokasinya di Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading, dan pabrik ke 3 yang sekaligus pabrik paling mutakhir berlokasi di kawasan MM 2100 Cikarang Barat.
Astra Honda Motor (AHM) mencari kandidat terbaik untuk bergabung yang akan menempati posisi jabatan :
- Min D3 majoring in Civil Engineering with GPA min 3:00
- Max age 25 years old
- Understand engineering drawings
- Meticulous, tenacious
- Liked the field work
- D3 majoring in Mechanical / Automotive Engineering with GPA min 3:00
- Max age 25 years old
- Have a good analytical and logical skills
- Have a good communication and persuasion skills
- Have a good problem solving skill
- Willing to travel
- S1 majoring in Industrial Engineering / Psychology / Communication Studies with GPA Min 3:00
- Max age 27 years old
- Have a good analytical and logical skills
- have a good persuasion skills.
- Have a good verbal communication and writing skills
- Have a good good durability in high work demands.
- Have a good Problem-solving skill
- D3 majoring in Automotive Engineering / Mechanical Engineering with GPA min 3:00
- Max age 25 years old
- Mastering in Windows / MS Office and computerized the data file
- Meticulous and have good time management
- Master of assembling the motor unit
- Proficient knowledge or insight into the motor unit
- S1 majoring in Industrial Engineering with GPA min 3.00
- Max age 27 years old
- Have a high analysis
- Have a high work commitment
- Responsible
- Resistance to high job demands adequate
- Able to work independently or in a team.
- Have a good PDCA analytical skills
- D3 majoring in Communications / Management with GPA min 3:00
- Max age 27 years old
- Have broad and current knowledge regarding technology and digital marketing development
- Able to strategize and carry out the analysis of digital marketing activities
- Creative and innovative in marketing strategy
- Able to work together in teams and encouraging the team to achieve a shared goal that has been set
- S1 majoring in Accounting / Financial Management with GPA min 3:00
- Max age 27 years old
- Have a good financial analysis skill
- Have a good communication skill and able to work in a team
- Fluent in English (min passive)
- Able to operate Ms Excell applications (min intermediate level)
- S1 majoring in Industrial Engineering with GPA min 3:00
- Max age 27 years old
- Have a good analytical and conceptual thinking skill
- Have a good good interpersonal skills
- Trying to focus on the target together
- Able to work in a team or independently
- D3 majoring in Import Export Management / Marketing Management / Accounting with GPA min 3:00
- Max age 25 years old
- Have a good knowledge of export import administration
- Have a good Communication skills in English both oral and written
- Able to adapt to the new environment and work demands quite well
- Have a high work motivation
- D3 majoring in Accounting / Economics / Logistics Management with GPA min 3:00
- Min 25 years of age
- Able to communicate with others who become the object of observation
- Able to conduct in-depth observation of the object observed
- Able to gather information on the ground
- Computer literate, especially MS Excell
- S1 majoring in Architecture with GPA 3.00 (final semester welcome to apply)
- Maximum age 27 years old
- Have a good 3D Max, AutoCad and Photoshop skills
- Able to read a technical drawings
- S1 majoring in Law with GPA min 3:00
- Have agood analysis and think strategically concept
- Able to handle the legal documentation associated with the supplier, Main Dealer, etc
- Able to review the agreement document and process other matters related to contractual
- Able to handle and process matters relating to land and issues related to land issues
- S1 majoring in Informatics Engineering / Computer Science / Electro Engineering (Network) with GPA min 3:00
- Max age 27 years old
- Understanding hardware and computer networks
- Have a good OS & Windows & Unix / Linux skills
- D3 majoring in Informatics Engineering / Information Management / Electronics Engineering (IT & Network) with GPA Min 3:00
- Maximum age 25 years old
- Mastering in communication systems / network (LAN)
- Mastering in hardware tools
- Have a good knowledge of technology and network system pretty well, and continue to update
- Able to control a good asset
- Able to make a good maintenance planning of the implementation of the new communication technologies
- S1 majoring in Accounting / Financial Management / Finance / Industrial Engineering with GPA min 3:00
- Age max 27 years old
- Have good financial analysis
- Fluent in English and able to create reports in English
- Have good interpersonal skills
- Able to adapt to the new environment and work quickly
- Able to use Power Point, Excel, and pivot table well
- Ready to work within a tight date line
- S1 majoring in Industrial Engineering / Management / Marketing / Marketing Communication with GPA min 3:00
- Max age 27 years old
- Accustomed to making marketing concept or strategy
- Able to make a good concept and strategic events
- Have a high interest in Automotive (Motorcycle)
- S1 majoring in Accounting / Financial Management with GPA Min 3:00
- Max age 27 years old
- Mastering in the basics of finance and accounting
- Have high integrity, honest and conscientious
- Have English language skills
- Able to work in a team
- Able to work with numbers and detail
- D3 majoring in Informatics Engineering / Information Management / Computer Science
- GPA 3:00; Age max 25 years old
- Has a Basic IT skills, especially in the case of PC Hardware Operating System, Application and Networking
- Understand Language Programming (Java, Net, ABAP)
- Understand the operating system and data base (RDBMS)
- Willing to be placed in all Plant AHM (Sunter, Pegangsaan, Cikarang, Pulogadung)
- S1/S2 majoring in Accounting / Financial Management wiht GPA min 3:00
- Age max. 27 years old
- Experience in the field of Finance / Budgeting for 2-4 years
- Have a good analysis and thinking concept skills
- Sufficient insight on Finance, to understand financial analysis, can make good financial report
- Details of the number
- Have a good adaptation
- Resilient and able to work with a rhythm that is quite high
- Able to make a financial report in English
- S1 majoring in Industrial Engineering GPA 3:00 (final semester welcome to apply)
- Age max 27 years old
- Have a good comminication skill
- Logically and critically
- Have good analytical skill
- S1 majoring in Electronics Engineering (Electrical Engineering Weak Flow) with GPA min 3:00
- Max Age 27 years old
- Have good analytical skills
- Able to think and work systematically and strategically
- Have a good communication skill and able to cooperate in a team or external parties
- Have a good working commitments
- Have a high integrity
- S1 majoring in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Civil Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics Engineering / Mechatronics
- GPA min 3:00
- Max age 27 years old
- Understand the specification machine / jig / equipment / facilities - infrastructure
- Understand engineering drawings
- Understanding the manufacturing process
- Understand the demands of the quality of each process
- Understanding the function of the component and material properties
- Have a good team work
- Have the ability to analyze and good managerial
- D3 majoring in Mechanical / Electronics / Electrical (Power Lines) / Civil / Mechatronics / Chemical Engineering
- GPA Min 3:00
- Max age 25 years old
- Mastering CAD software properly
- Have an orientation towards quality
- Understand the function of the machine work / jig / equipment / infrastructure
- Know the types of components and materials
- Understanding the manufacturing process
- Have a good team work
- D3 majoring in Mechanical / Automotive Engineering
- GPA min 3:00
- Max age 25 years old
- Mastering analysis / trouble shooting motorcycle properly
- Havae a good adaptability
- Have good computer skills
- S1 majoring in Architecture / Interior Design.
- Min GPA 2.75 & Age max 27 years old
- Familiar with the program 3D Max, AutoCAD, Photoshop
- Program capable of Ms Office
- Able to communicate well
- English oral and written (passive)
- Diligent, initiative, agile, resilient and conscientious
- S1 majoring in Mechanical Engineering
- Max age 27 years old
- GPA Min 3:00
- Able to read engineering drawings with good, common international standards
- Knowing the various methods of testing, measurement & inspection
- Able to analyze a process, concluded the cause of the problem and proposed an improvised
- SPC understand well and can apply
- Have a strong motivation to do improv to improve part quality
- D3 Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Mechanical Engineering) / Electronics Engineering.
- Max Age 25 years old
- GPA min 3:00
- Able to think logically - systematic
- Able to use measuring instruments
- Able to read engineering drawings
- Able to analyze properly
- S1 majoring in Informatics Engineering / Computer Science
- GPA Min. 3:00
- Age Max. 27 years old
- Interest in the field of IT
- Application analysis / programming.
- Has the ability to analyze a problem pretty well
- Have good interpersonal skills ability.
- High willingness to learn and explore the capabilities of IT technology
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