PT Pupuk Kaltim - Lowongan Kerja D3, S1
Posted by Unknown
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Due to the development of a dynamic and competitive industry motivated to implement the program Pupuk Kaltim Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in an effort to increase the success of the Company's business and accountability. GCG program also aims to create shareholder value over the long term while considering other stakeholders.
Company Urea and Ammonia producers in Indonesia PT. Pupuk Kaltim currently provide an opportunity for citizens to participate in the selection Indonesians as prospective employees with the following positions :
Recruitment D3, S1
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI) with valid ID Card
- For D3 level born in 30 January 1989 and later, for S1 level born in 30 January 1987 and later
- Education :
- Bachelor Degree (S1) : Male/Female
- Engineering : Physics Engineering, Chemical Engineering
- Agriculture : Plant Physiology, Agromomy, Soil Science (Ilmu Tanah)
- Social/Ecomonics : Economic Management SDM, Economic Management Finance, Accounting, Law
- Diploma 3 (D3) :
- Male /Female : Accounting, archives, Communication/PR, Social Welfare, Industrial Management, Library, Agriculture, Statistics
- Male : Electrial Engineerng Strong Current (Power), Physics Engineering/Electrial Engineering Instrument-Control, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Safety/K3, Sailing Nautical majors
- Note : for Sailing Nautical majors, preferably having sailing experience min 2 years with max age 28 years old
- Min GPA of 2.80 (scale 4)
- TOEFL S1 min 450, and D3 min 400
- Never before has the selection PT Pupuk Kaltim in Bontang in October - December 2012
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