Lowongan Kerja Bank Panin - Management
Posted by Unknown
Monday, February 25, 2013

Bank Panin business strategy is to further increase its market share in the consumer and commercial segments. It has gained market recognition for competitive Housing and Car Financing Programs, as well as multi-purpose personal loans.
Panin Bank, looking to fill a number of positions Management and Senior Management Opportunities :
- Branch Management (BMT)
- Credit Risk Management (CRM)
- Cedit Operations (COP)
- Credit Card and Personal Loans (CCPL)
- Priority Banking (PBA)
- Operations (OPR)
- Electronic Banking (EBA)
- People Management and Development (PMD)
- Technology (TEC)
- Commercial and Corporate Banking (CCB)
- Product Development (PDE)
- Wealth Management (WMA)
- Treasury, Capital Markets and Sales (TCM)
- Compliance and Risk Management (COM)
- Completed tertiary degree (S1)
- Have appropriate management experience for at least 5 years, with excellent track record
If you are interested please send your application via email : recruit@panin.co.id, stating their main area of interest code, no later than March 15, 2013
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