Lowongan BUMN PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) - SMA, SMK, D3, S1
Posted by Unknown
Friday, July 5, 2013
Bagi Anda calon profesional muda yang energik, cerdas, bersedia bekerja keras dan bertanggung jawab, saat ini PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) memberi Anda kesempatan untuk mengembangkan karir mengisi kekosongan, posisi berikut :
SMA/SMK - Management Trainee Program
- Min SMA/SMK (State/Private), majoring in
- SM SMK Mechanical (Code : SM-MES)
- SM SMK Electro (Code : SM-ELK)
- SM SMK Electricity (Code : SM-LIS)
- SM SMK Chemical (Code : SM-KIM)
- SM SMK Accountancy (Code : SM-AKU)
- Fresh Graduate
- NEM / minimum value of 6.5
- Maximum age 23 years old per 28 February 2013
- Male (Engineering) and Male/Female (Non Engineering)
- Not married
- Min Diploma Degree from polytechnic and or its equivalent majoring in
- D3 D3 Mechanical Engineering (Code : D3-MES)
- D3 D3 Electro Engineering (Code : D3-ELK)
- D3 D3 Chemical Engineering (Code : D3-KIM)
- D3 D3 Computer Engineering/Computer System (Code : D3-KOM)
- D3 D3 SKM (Code : D3-SKM)
- D3 D3 Business/Marketing Administration (Code : D3-ADM)
- Fresh Graduate
- Min GPA of 3.00
- Maximum age 26 years old per 28 February 2013
- Graduated year : 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- Male (Engineering) and Male/Female (Non Engineering)
- Not married
- Min Bachelor Degree (PTN/PTS) majoring in
- S1 S1 Chemical Engineering (Code : S1-KIM)
- S1 S1 Industrial Engineering (Code : S1-IND)
- S1 S1 Communication Science (Code : S1-IKO)
- S1 S1 Computer Engineering/Computer System (Code : S1-KOM)
- S1 S1 Management (Code : S1-EKM)
- S1 S1 SKM (Code : S1-SKM)
- S1 S1 Accounting (Code : S1-AKU)
- S1 S1 Law (Code : S1-HKM)
- S1 S1 Mechanical Engineering (Code : S1-MES)
- S1 S1 Civil Engineering (Code : S1-SIP)
- S1 S1 Electro Engineering (Code : S1-ELK)
- Fresh Graduate/Experienced
- Min GPA of 3.00 (PTN/PTS)
- Maximum age 28 years old per 28 February 2013
- Graduated year : 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- Male (Engineering) and Male/Female (Non Engineering)
- Not married
- Willing to not married until the completion of the training period
- Physically and mentally healthy evidenced by Medical Certificate
- Drug-free certificate.
- Good behavior with a police records certificate (SKCK)
- Not tied to employment or official ties with the other companies / agencies
Bagi anda yang mencari Informasi Lowongan BUMN PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) - SMA, SMK, D3, S1
dan jika seandainya sudah expired, kami mohon maaf. Untuk mendapatkan Informasi Terbaru, Silakan anda menuju link berikut :
Semoga Bermanfaat !!