Lowongan Kerja Industri Gula Nusantara
Posted by Unknown
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

PT Industri Gula Nusantara (IGN) by 800 hectares of land for sugarcane plantations and planned to expand to 6,000 acres throughout Central Java. For those of you young professional candidates are energetic, intelligent, willing to work hard and be responsible, current PT Industri Gula Nusantara gives you the opportunity to develop a career filling vacancies, the following positions :
Staff Accounting (Code : AK)
- Male/Female
- Min 22 years old and max 30 years old
- Min S1 Accounting (GPA min 3.00)
- Min 1 - 2 years experience in same field (Fresh Graduate welcome to apply)
- Honest, conscientious, disciplined and nimble
- Fluent in English
- Able to work in a team or individually
- Computer literate, min MS Office (Word and Excell)
- Understanding Taxation
HRD PT Industri Gula Nusantara
Jl Ir Soekarno Hatta Barat Km.6,
Cepiring Kendal 51352.
Or forward your complete applications by email to hrd.gulanusantara@yahoo.com. Please indicate the position code on the left side of the envelope or your email subject.
More info : Lowongan Kerja PT Industri Gula Nusantara.
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