Lowongan Kerja Schlumberger Indonesia
Posted by Unknown
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Schlumberger Indonesia is an affiliate company of Sclumberger Limited , one of the largest companies in the world oilified services . Currently Schlumberger Indonesia gave a chance and find the best candidates , responsible , energetic and willing to develop a career and willing to take the challenge for the position :
Field Specialist Trainee (FST)
Vacation Trainee - Field Specialist Internship
General Requirements :
- Male and Female.
- Field Specialist Trainee :
- Education D3 and D4 only, all Engineering alumni or last semester students who will graduate before December 2015.
- Minimum GPA 2.80 of 4.00 scales.
- Vacation Trainee - Field Specialist Internship :
- Still registered as an active student of Diploma (D3 and D4 only), all Engineering students in the 4th semester (D3) or 6th semester (D4) Polban.
- Strong academic results, with min GPA 3.00 of 4.00 scales.
- Show evidence of good level in English both oral and written.
- Adaptable, creative, hard working, independent, self-motivated.
- Willing to work under pressure.
Bagi anda yang mencari Informasi Lowongan Kerja Schlumberger Indonesia
dan jika seandainya sudah expired, kami mohon maaf. Untuk mendapatkan Informasi Terbaru, Silakan anda menuju link berikut :
Semoga Bermanfaat !!