Recruitment Karyawan PT United Tractors - Astra Group
Posted by Unknown
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

PT United Tractors Tbk is a subsidiary of PT Astra International Tbk in Heavy Equipment, Mining & Energy Group. PT Astra International Tbk owns 59.50% stake in Tractors, with the rest owned by the public. maintain profitability.
For those of you young professional candidates are energetic, intelligent, willing to work hard and be responsible, current United Tractors gives you the opportunity to develop a career filling vacancies, the following positions :
Pendidikan Mekanik Alat Berat
Persyaratan :
- Minimum lulusan SMK, jurusan Otomotif, Elektro, Listrik, Produksi, Alat Berat atau SMA/MA Jurusan IPA.
- Usia maximum 21 tahun (per tanggal 2 November 2015.
- Tinggi minimum 164 cm.
- Tidak berkaca mata dan buta warna.
- Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia.
- Surat lamaran
- Copy STTB (untuk lulusan SMK/SMA/MA).
- Copy transkrip nilai UNAS .
More info : Lowongan Kerja PT United Tractors.
Only qualified candidates who fit the above qualifications will be further processed.
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Semoga Bermanfaat !!