Lowongan Kerja Indofood Fritolay Makmur - S1, D4
Posted by Unknown
Thursday, March 14, 2013

PT Indofood Fritolay Makmur tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada awal Oktober 2010. Saat ini Perusahaan memiliki beberapa divisi, diantaranya mie instan, tepung terigu, dan divisi minyak goreng nabati. Perusahaan makanan ringan ini juga bekerja sama dengan perusahaan Asahi Group Holdings Southeast Asia Pte Ltd yang memproduksi dan memasarkan minuman non-alkohol di Indonesia dengan nilai investasi awal Rp 1,8 triliun sampai Rp 2 triliun.
Bagi Anda calon profesional muda yang energik, cerdas, bersedia bekerja keras dan bertanggung jawab, saat ini PT Indofood Fritolay Makmur memberi Anda kesempatan untuk mengembangkan karir mengisi lowongan kerja, posisi berikut :
Technical Support
- S1 majoring in Food Technology, Industrial Engineering, Technobiology, with GPA min. 3.00
- Male with max age 28 years old
- Having at least 1 year experience, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Special requirements :
- Have strong analytical and problem solving skill
- Strong Interpersonal and Organizational Skills
- Good ability in Microsoft word, excel and power point
- Fluent in English
- Active, Creative, Self-stater, Fast-learner, willing to work hard, teamwork oriented, independet, and trustworthy
- S1 majoring in Food Technology, Industrial Engineering
- Male with 21 years of age
- Experience : Fresh Graduated (experiences will be advantages)
- Special requirements :
- Have strong leadership
- Able to work in shift
- Have good communication
- Good in analitical and problem solving
- S1 majoring in Food Technology, Industrial Engineering
- Male with 24 years of age
- Experience : 1 – 2 years experience
- Special requirements :
- Have strong leadership
- Able to work in shift
- Have good communication
- Good in analitical and problem solving
- Able to manage more than 100 subordinates
- Understanding Food safety system and Halal system
- D4 / S1 majoring in Electronic or Mechanic
- Male with max 30 years of age
- Experience : 1 – 2 years experience
- Special requirements :
- Have knowledge about maintenance
- Have good communication skill english
- Good in analitical and problem solving
- Familiar with Preventive Maintenance
- S1 from all majors
- Male, Age : 23 – 30 years old
- Experience : 1 – 2 years experience
- Special requirements :
- Have strong leadership
- Have good communication
- Good in analitical and problem solving
- S1 majoring in Food Technology, Industrial Engineering, Technobiology, with GPA min. 3.00
- Male / Famale, with max age 27 years old
- Having at least 1 year experience, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Special requirements :
- Have strong analytical and problem solving skill
- Strong Interpersonal and Organizational Skills
- Good ability in Microsoft word, excel and power point
- Fluent in English
- Active, Creative, Self-stater, Fast-learner, willing to work hard, teamwork oriented, independet, and trustworthy
- S1 majoring in Food Technology, Industrial Engineering, Technobiology, with GPA min. 3.00
- Male / Famale, with max age 27 years old
- aving at least 1 year experience, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Special requirements :
- Have strong analytical and problem solving skill
- Strong Interpersonal and Organizational Skills
- Good ability in Microsoft word, excel and power point
- Fluent in English
- Active, Creative, Self-stater, Fast-learner, willing to work hard, teamwork oriented, independet, and trustworthy
More info : Lowongan Kerja Indofood Fritolay Makmur
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