Lowongan Kerja Rock Fluid Imaging Lab - RFI Lab
Posted by Unknown
Monday, August 12, 2013

The research firm is equipped with the latest advanced technologies including laboratory physical modeling of seismic waves, SeisCoreTM, Rock Physics for Seismic measurements in reservoir conditions. It also comes with a core routine measurements (digital meter helium porosity, permeability meter digital), digital rock-mechanics measurements (measurement of static elastic core), core-resistivity measurements under reservoir conditions.
For those of you young professional candidates are energetic, intelligent, willing to work hard and be responsible, current Rock Fluid Imaging Lab gives you the opportunity to develop a career filling vacancies, the following positions :
Persyaratan :
- Max. 27 Tahun
- S1/S2 Fisika Bidang Kebumian / Geofisika / Teknik Geofisika
- Fresh Graduate atau berpengalaman
- Menguasai Seismic Software
- Mampu bekerja secara tim dan memiliki motivasi untuk berkembang
Persyaratan Umum:
- Max. 25 Tahun
- D3 Instrumentasi / Teknik Elektro / Fisika Bidang instrumentasi
- Fresh Graduate atau berpengalaman
- Mampu bekerja secara tim
- Memahami Embedded Application (Microcontroller)
- Microcontroller Programming (Assembler, C, Visual Basic)
- Memahami Electronic Circuit Design (Altium, Proteus, Eagle)
- Mengerti System Design
- Mengerti Circuit Analysis
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